Well... It's been a minute. Hasn't it?

Funny how life can fly by while you're doing other things and suddenly - you pop your head out of the big mess and say, "Remember when..."

It's easy to make excuses - but, they really don't make a difference. Sometimes, you just have to dust off, get up, and get back to it. So, here we are.

Back at it.

20/20 Vision: A Retrospective

I've had this idea since the start of the pandemic that I'd start writing and recording with all of the "downtime" we have while being locked in our houses waiting out the virus. Guess how well that went.

I did manage to scribble down some ideas and collaborate (via text) with Scotty on some new frustrations, opinions, thoughts, actions, and other things that may grow up to be new tunes. Some of them are pretty good. So, what's with the retrospective? And, why didn't anything come out of the stress-filled last 18 months of human existence - you'd think those were exactly the right fuel for creating music... They are, but - I'm kind of interested in seeing where things go and reflecting on them. maybe that means I'd rather present something productive rather than state the obvious. I think maybe we've had enough of that.

Don't you think?

Anyways, I'm excited to be working on music again and looking forward to releasing something that synthesizes all of the energy I've been feeling for the last decade or so. Stay tuned, maybe the best is yet to come.

- D.A.